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07-08-2022 | read

On 07.08.2022, Shri Kedar Ranjan Pandu took over the reins of Meja Urja Nigam Pvt. Limited (MUNPL) from Shri Anil Kumar as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company. It may be mentioned that Shri Anil Kumar has been posted to the BD Group at EOC, Noida as CEO (Jhabua).

Shri Pandu holds an illustrious record serving NTPC for the past 36 years at different units such as Badarpur, Dadri, Corporate Center, ER-II HQ, TTPS, Darlipali, etc. Prior to joining MUNPL, Shri Pandu was posted as the Chief Executive Officer at NTECL, a joint venture company of NTPC and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Company Limited at Vallur, TN.

In his address, Shri Pandu greeted the employees of MUNPL and shared his vision for charting the future course of MUNPL aligned with the emerging business requirements. 

Shri Pandu holds a Mechanical Engineering from Odisha University Of Agriculture and Technology besides being an MTech in Industrial Management from IIT, Delhi.